This is Meier. In order to understand Meier, it might be best to just go and get him, or even better, be Meier. But Meier is not there. We only have speech, which is not very much. All will remain wanting … Andreas Liebmann
18 posts
Will the past still exist in one or two hundred years? Will somebody need it to understand anything about life? Or will there then only the future, the longing for the future? Andrzej Stasiuk
You must know and see, and you must see and know. One is inseparable from the other. Claude Lanzmann
Thermography - Making the Invisible visible Above absolute zero (-273°C) all objects emit thermal infrared energy. As long as the object is radiating at a higher temperature than its surroubndings, energy transfer will be taking place and energy will be radiating from warm to cold following the principle stated in […]